Sedation Dentistry in Fresno - Fresno Dental Professionals
Certain individuals experience anxiety and fear when preparing for a visit to the dentist. Although our dentists are highly respected for their skills and precision, patients can sometimes feel a bit nervous about their upcoming procedure(s). That can prevent them from achieving the beautiful smile they desire, or having much-needed dental work performed (including that to save a tooth or the gums). Fortunately, we offer an option to help our patients relax and feel completely comfortable during their visit, sedation, or sleep dentistry.
What Is Sedation (Sleep) Dentistry?
Sedation (sleep) dentistry makes dental work easy and comfortable for many of our patients with anxiety or fear of coming to our office. By taking oral medication, laughing gas (nitrous oxide), or sometimes both patients are completely relaxed and at ease throughout their treatment. They are not unconscious, but generally responsive and able to follow directions or requests from our professional team.
Who Is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation (sleep) dentistry is recommended for those who:
Have extreme dental anxiety or fear
Have an extremely sensitive gag reflex or teeth
Have had a negative experience at a dentist’s office
Require complex dental work
Delay visiting the dentist because they likely require extensive dental work
Contact Us for Comfortable Sedation Dentistry